Large EBMX BC351 Display for X-9000 Controller



The New EBMX Large Display works with the X-9000 Motor Controller and replaces the SW102 smaller type display.

The Display will work with any X9000 V2 on any motor or battery combination. Due to the canbus communications the display works much faster and accurate then the UART communications of the SW102.

Base kit

  • CNC mounts for MTB and Moto Bars (31.8 and 28.6)
  • New canbus 2-1 cable included
  • No setup required just install (830 and up firmware required)
  • 3.5 Inch TFT display
  • IP67
  • New mode button included
  • Display to button cable length 350mm
  • Display to canbus connector length 250mm
  • All new EBMX UI with ride data

Optional extra mounting case can be purchased.

Optional extra mounting brackets for the Ultra Bee can be purchased.

Please note that although  display is canbus controlled directly from the X9000. It will install into an Ultrabee,  but is not directly plug and play for Ultrabee R with indicators or head lights etc. So although you may chose to use this on a Ultra Bee R you would not be able  to see indicators on/cancelled etc…. so we feel that may not be safe and so we  do not recommend it for that particular use at this time. September 2024.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 15 cm